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Join the party for the 4th site Anniversary!

Anette Olzon Central@ Your 1st Source on ex-Nightwish singer Anette // Thursday, 30 June 2011

Well, I know I should have write about it 1 month ago, but (shame on me)I had just forgotten the date!

2007, May the 24th marks the birth of Anette Olzon Central and we want to give thanks to all of you who have been and are the most precious visitors here, Anette and Nightwish fans that encourage us to carry on....Nightwish Crew and Anettes Official Photoblogg, Carol from The Escapist for helping the site being among the official Nightwish links (PUH!), Blabbermouth, Melissa Schokolade, Laura Alice Jones, Rax, all the amazing friends in facebook, the dearest collegues from various Anettes fansites worldwide .....and Anette, of course, who daily inspires and supports our work:
Anette Olzon said...

Poochie: No worries, I know you always try to keep everything correct and as it should and I appreciate your work;=)

Regarding the AA album I actually dont remember what songs it was exactly more than Liar, cause we did some here and there when I was there;=) Yeah, well I miss being in AA of course, they are my dear friends and we have been playing for a loong time but I think Arabella does a super good job and the new album is great;=)

Take care now!


  1. Well, happy anniversary!! :)

  2. Thanks a lot, sweetie! I remember you are one of the Anette Blog's contest winner! Congrats! And it would be lovely to publish here some pics of your prize;=)
