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Anette Wolves today?

The 2 new songs!!

Anette Olzon Central@ Your 1st Source on ex-Nightwish singer Anette // Saturday, 9 July 2011

Yey! Anette has created her own myspace page now. Fantastic that she just added two of her solo album songs!!! They were recorded in 2009 and here they are:

Official Anette Olzon Myspace

Genre: Acustic / Alternative / Rock


Singer in NIGHTWISH since 2007. Have been singing in different bands and projects all my life. Love to sing and this is 2 of the demo songs I did with my dear friends Stefan Örn and Johan Glössner in 2009. All songs are written by the three of us. This is raw demo songs without any mixing or production behind it. Plain and simple recordings done in the moment;=) We have songs for an album but it wont be released now. Check out my website and blog for more information: If you have any inquiries please contact my management:

Sorry for the delay, but It's been kind of vacation;=)

Anyway I would really love to know if you liked the new songs so please feel free to leave your comments below and remember you don't need any registration to do that!!



  1. Anette did a great job. this songs are awesome.

  2. The songs are wonderful!I really love Invincible. I hope we will hear soon all the Anette's songs.

  3. Yeah. Invincible, I love it;=)

    Thank you all
    Hugs and peace

  4. Congratulations, Anette!

    I realize that many artists when going to do solo projects, they do the ´´same thing`` they have been doing with their main band. These two songs are different compared to Nightwish, so I congratulate you and I really appreciated these ones. I liked both. The first one reminded me something medieval, which I like so much as well.


  5. Felipe: here you have Anette's personal blog:
