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Anette Wolves today?


  1. Thanks for this =)
    I was inspired by the song October And April , so I made this

  2. I have sent you an email.


  3. Anonymous12:38 am

    Guys, I realized something and would like to know if you noticed this too. A few months ago I noticed that the Anette blog's has become more formal and without that glow that was in the beginning.
    Previously, she talked with us in the comment form, published posts 4 to 5 times a day and post lots of photos.
    Now she does not talk to anyone in the comments, have long time as it does not publish any photos, and more recently it began publishing an average of one posting per day.
    What's happening guys? Is she getting tired of the blog? Or this is happening only because she is having little free time?
    Of course, Anette blog is still wonderful, and I always like to read what she publish there but, have you noticed this too or was it just me?

  4. hi...i don`t speak very much I love your site.....I draw Anette Olzon in my blog...please see that....ahm.....o.k...I don`t know if your understand me.but well.....o.k very much kisses for you....bye

  5. Anonymous4:13 pm

    I think it was lack of time. I think these last days have been hectic for her, after all is the end of the year and this is a very busy time .=)

    Have a great day
    Hugs from Brazil =)

  6. Bonome= yes i noticed that too! It's like her manger or smth stopped her from those "too friendly manners"....but maybe it was just my crazy mind.

    Elienna= be patient, i'm having troubles enterting both my mailbox and site. Sorry! Hope i can manage soon.

    Eskoplja= sweet! seems like Anettes wedding day haha!

    Lullabby= thank you so much. I checked your anette creation: she seems thoughtful there but still sweet :=)
